Paraquat Lawsuit Loans

Paraquat Lawsuit Loans

If you are one of the thousands of individuals who developed Parkinson’s Disease after long-term exposure to Paraquat, you may have a claim for damages.

In fact, given the degenerative nature of Parkinson’s Disease, if you are affected, you should file a lawsuit.

If someone else is responsible for you developing the condition, you shouldn’t be responsible for dealing with it alone.

Furthermore, because Parkinson's Disease is a lifelong affliction, the settlements you can get for Paraquat Parkinson's are substantial in size.

If you are considering filing a lawsuit but need immediate financial assistance, taking out a settlement loan from Ally Lawsuit Loans can help you out of your financial bind.

Read on for more information on settlement loans and Paraquat from the team at Ally Lawsuit Loans.

What Is Paraquat?

Paraquat is a widely used herbicide in many agricultural settings. It comes in many different products and name brands, but the most popular version is Gramoxone SL 2.0

The chemical is perfectly legal to use in the United States, and it is effective. American farmers doubled their use of the substance in the decade between 2006 and 2016.

Despite its legality and popularity in the US, Paraquat has a less than stellar safety profile. Because of that, more than 30 countries prohibit its use.

The most significant concern about Paraquat is its link to Parkinson’s Disease. Many studies show that long-term exposure to even small amounts of Paraquat significantly increases an individual's risk of developing the progressive neurodegenerative disease.

On top of that, acute Paraquat poisoning is also a risk. Consumption of less than 10 mL of the chemical is potentially fatal.

Recently, many affected individuals have sued the sellers and makers of Paraquat for damages related to their development of Parkinson’s disease.

How Can a Lawsuit Loan Help My Paraquat Settlement?

A lawsuit loan can help you ensure that you get the most out of your Paraquat settlement. How? By helping you see your case through to the end. If you have Parkinson’s, you are probably seeing your medical costs stack up quickly.

If you find yourself unable to work, those bills are going to pile up even quicker. If you can’t pay those bills, they will accrue interest and take a bite out of your eventual settlement. 

Knowing the potentially precarious financial situation that you are in, the defendant in your lawsuit is likely to give you lowball settlement offers at first.

Their bet is that if you are financially desperate, you will choose to accept the lowball offer for short-term financial solvency. If you have a lawsuit loan, however, you can call their bluff.

With cash in your pocket, you can take care of your bills now and not feel pressured to accept a lowball settlement offer. Essentially, a lawsuit loan can buy you the ability to see your case through to the end.

How Do I Qualify for a Paraquat Lawsuit Loan?

Qualifying for a Paraquat settlement loan with Ally Lawsuit Loans is a straightforward process. To qualify, you need to show us just two things:

  1. That you have an ongoing lawsuit against a civil defendant in a Paraquat case; and
  2. That you have an attorney representing you in the lawsuit in question.

That’s it. Once you fill out your application and include your attorney’s contact information, the process is still simple. We contact your attorney to verify your information and learn more about your case.

Then, using that information, we put together a loan offer and bring it back to you. Finally, we give you cash, a check, or a money transfer: whatever you need. From start to finish, the whole process can take less than 24 hours.

The best part is that if you lose your case, you don’t have to repay us a thing. As a result, you have nothing to lose in applying for a settlement loan.

Get Started with Ally Lawsuit Loans Today

At Ally Lawsuit Loans, our mission is to act as just that: an ally. The legal process can feel impersonal. Often, you might feel like it is you alone against the world.

With an ally on your side, however, that pressure melts away. There are many lawsuit lenders in the United States today, but none of them offers you the same guarantees that we give you at Ally.

The Ally promise has three parts:

  1. You can qualify for your loan within 24 hours;
  2. We guarantee the lowest interest (and fee) rate in the industry; and
  3. If you lose in court or fail to settle out of court, you don’t have to repay a single penny.

With that sort of guarantee backing your pre-settlement funding, you have nothing to lose. Get yourself an ally in your lawsuit by applying today for a settlement loan from Ally Lawsuit Loans!

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